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Neurofeedback Training


Brainwave Concentration Experience Day

為什麼與AI對話, 能激發你的潛能? 💫

我們的AI對話系統- AI Coach 🤖是基於心理學和知名大師的理論與實踐而建立的,它能夠提供全新的觀點和角度,🌟幫助你解決困擾情緒 😣,找到生活目標 🎯,提升狀態 💪,達成夢想 🌈,活得更開心快樂! 😊💕


MindCEO 是一家領先的腦神經科學公司,利用最新的神經科學和 AI 技術來激發人的潛能。 💡

透過使用  AI Coach :

  • 突破你的限制性信念,成為堅不可摧 💪

  • 實現夢想,建立目標 🎯

  • 提高工作和生活的效率和成就感 ⭐

  • 獲得持續的個人突破和成長動力 🚀


在這個免費工作坊中,我們將體驗  :

  1. 挑戰你的限制性信念 🧠

  2. 建立你的夢想 🌟

  3. 設定你的目標 🔍



  • 6月29日 上午10:00 - 11:30 (Zoom 線上 / 中環干諾道中64號中華總商會大廈21樓)


立即報名參加,掌握這個改變人生的機會! 📝

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​Case Sharing

Control Emotion

I am very happy that my child can listen to me calmly now,. But it was not like this before. She reads K3, I found that her temper is getting bigger and bigger, sometimes she yells and curses for a long time, even uncontrollably, until I gave her brain wave training. Not long after starting, I found that her emotions were more stable than before, and she began to control her emotions. I am very happy that she has made such great progress

Excellent in conduct and learning

My daughter completed the 30-day concentration training, and now she has won the conduct award and the model student award in Wanchai District. I asked the teacher, why she won the award? The teacher said that my daughter is more mature than other students in school, attentive and polite in class , and cares about her classmates, so she was selected to win the conduct award. As for the model student award in Wanchai District, it is not only for good conduct, but also for good academic performance. The principal selected one from all grades. I am not only happy, but also grateful. Wave training really helps.

Concentrate on studying, get 100 mark every time

My child has been using brainwave training for more than a year. Recently, the school started dictation I found that the child can concentrate on reviewing new words, just like playing a brainwave concentration game.  The child get 100 marks in both Chinese and English dictation in the past ten times. I fully agree with the efficacy of brain wave training.

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